Yo Boy Bill Nye if Making Babies Were Like

Bill Nye Saves the World (TV Series 2017–2018) Poster

An ugly and disgraceful cabaret dancer

Bill Nye is more of a caricature of an old and decrepit cabaret dancer. Only the accessories are different: lab coat instead of lace. Role playing. An impotent circus act who needs state power to make anything happen. And old man with his old man understanding of the world and a Pinky and the Brain goal: rule the world and maybe shape the minds of the young and impressionable.

In this show Bill Nye saves the world as a reference to the hopefully dead world of useless TV shows with "Science" pasted over like a fantasy theme. Otherwise he just saves his retirement fund. Buy his coffee mugs and t-shirts and the planet will be magically saved.

Contact me with Questions, Comments or Suggestions ryitfork @ bitmail.ch

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3 /10

Not Sure How This Got A Second Season

I guess his past show and being friends with Neil Degrasse Tyson gets you places. Not sure why it's called, "Save the World," either. It doesn't seem much to do with science beyond the elementary. It's a very weird format that seems made up by someone with ADHD who is out of touch with most people. Like, a show made up by your weird friend with ADHD whom everyone likes but shouldn't be in charge of programming a show. It's part talk show, part fifth grade science class, and really weird performances.

I tried listening to the Star Talk podcast but it's done by Neil Degrasse Tyson's sidekick and Bill Nye, and though Neil's comedic sidekick compliments the TV show nicely, his presence on a podcast about science is just distracting. And Bill Nye just does not have the charm or social grace that Neil has. Neil can speak human and has the ability to translate his thoughts to the common science enthusiast. Bill Nye, frankly, you can't tell how smart the guy is or if he's smart at all. Maybe. Maybe not. He certainly doesn't speak in a way that's over your head or hard to grasp. I just get the impression that he's the guy that did a kid's science show and has elementary school teacher knowledge. Again, maybe he's super smart and gets caught up in his ego and so he just is not that good of a TV or radio personality. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on his actual smarts.

I just think he's better off going back to kid's stuff. You just can't have a title describing yourself as some form of prophet, saving the world, and then offer up science for beginners. I feel like I'm watching a low-grade version of the audio you hear at the California Science museum that's directed towards kids and a young audience.

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10 /10

Something is askew about reviewers of this show

If you notice all the 1 star reviews who also get a lot of likes are from one-review accounts, which makes you think that they're all bots. For some reason this show got on the wrong side of some people and I'm sure these same people will give my review a lot of thumbs down - can't wait for those.

I only watched parts of the second season and while I agree with some of the bad comments about the low standard of comedy and that it needs more actual science in it I believe it is a decent show and deserves around 6 to 7 stars. However seeing that a lot of bots are politically motivated (can you guess which side?) and have it in for this show, I'm going to give it 10 stars.

PS: when I say bots i equally mean actual human being who are brainwashed sheeple, i.e. bots.

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Longest commercial ever.

This is a politically induced re-education platform disguised as comedy: They want governments to penalize parenthood? Anyone having 2.5 children should be heavily taxed, but poor nations like Kenya should be encouraged to have more children? Am I hearing this right? I don't get the joke. Apparently it has something to do with "carbon footprints". Well, I've lived long to know that taxes don't fix the environment. It doesn't stop pollution. Taxes basically exist to penalize and generate profit for some political money pit.

I watched them discuss "micro-aggression" by telling "dear white people" they shouldn't do yoga or use Buddha statues or Asian wallpaper. Apparently Bill Nye believes people are behaving Asian to maintain "street cred"? I have a beautiful katana that I bought, because I am fascinated by samurai history. I appreciate the art & detail of sword making, but I'm committing a moral outrage because I enjoy other cultures? They were telling parents to accept the wants of "3 year old children" if they identify as a separate gender. "Great Scott! Did you just assume your newborn's gender?" Here's where I get into trouble; I disagree that a 3 year old knows who they are at 3 years old. Maybe it's an issue of nature vs nurture; But is it really "intolerant" to allow the kid grow up and then start making their own choices? When I was 3, I wanted to wear a dress because it was comfortable. My parents didn't object, but they gave me a long t-shirt instead of buying me a sun-dress. If I were an older child or teenager who liked to wear dresses, they would have accepted that. But not from a 3 year old. According to Bill Nye - If your daughter loves to do "boy things" then the facts state she must be transgender. Perish the thought your kid is just a tomboy because she's the only girl in a house full of boys. No. That would be "discrimination" to assume she's a tomboy. You're wrong because society identifies your 3 year old as transgender. No - Children want to wear their Halloween costumes everyday. It's fine to allow them their imagination and even encourage it, but the parent's job is also to prepare the child for the world. You decide boundaries, morals and define what is appropriate for them. If your child is transgender, that's GREAT! But what if you're deleting their identity just to appease society's newest dogma? There's nothing wrong with establishing a gender at such a young age. It is wrong to continue forcing a definition on the matured person that wants to define themselves.

I almost forgot I was talking about a TV show. I loved Bill Nye growing up. I loved learning and I loved his style of teaching. This Netflix show is nothing like that. There isn't science or even something to ponder over. It's, "have my opinion or be shut off from the world". It's "look at how much fun we're having" vs "only bigots disagree". I found it really disturbing.

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7 /10

Good, needs fine tuning

The show is toned down for a more mature audience, but still manages to stay on the level with the average viewer in terms of explaining basic scientific concepts. The show is a little all-over-the-place in terms of style: sometimes resembling modern talk shows like HBO's "This Week Tonight" or "Real Time", sometimes resembling a youth attracting news show such as "Nick News" or "MTV News" and sometimes feeling more like a Vice Documentary where Millennial "experience" something in the real world. As much as I like Nye's personality and hearing him speak, there are a few too many awkward moments of silence as the audience doesn't seem to know how to react. I think the problem is with the set and the way the host speaks. The set is way too far back from the live audience and they (and us at home) often are left out of the situation. Nye is the only one that seems to have a difficult time connecting with the audience (again, because they're too far away) and I think more audience participation and interaction would help. While the informational value of the show should be kept high, I don't think it would hurt the show to have a more lively and dynamic feel. I can't help but think of how infomercials with live audiences right up close and a part of the action. Maybe try that during the speeches and the experiments, sans the cheesy fake reactions famous in infomercials. I like thinking of the show almost as a talk show about science, as if David Letterman had a science education. I enjoy watching it for the panel discussions and the cut-away segments, as well as the cool experiments done right before your eyes (the antacid one was really clear and because they were trying a "hippie" remedy sold at Whole Foods added an element of modern social commentary that went against the grain of "if a major retailer sells it, it must be good". My advice for the panel discussion is to give equal time to their points if they are disagreeing, as either Bill (or the editor) often steamroll over people that doesn't agree with the main point of the episode. For example, in ep 01 one panelist wants to rebut an argument about nuclear power but gets cut off so that another panelist (who already made two points) can talk even more. Even if you disagree slightly with someone it is interesting to hear their argument. Panel discussions are more interesting with multiple points of view that all serve the overall purpose of promoting real possibilities of science fact.

Overall, the show is promising and interesting. Keep up the good work and keep it lively and moving, without those awkward pauses and half jokes... if you're gonna be funny go for it and make sure the audience is close enough and listening enough to think its funny.

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1 /10

How did this get nominated for awards ??????

Warning: Spoilers

**Note: 1 is overly generous, should be zero** Awful, political, biased and childish. 4 words that more or less sum up this mess of a show.

Avoid at all costs, and instead look to TED Talks, 'proper' science shows or documentaries.

Extra line added for review.............again, avoid this turkey.

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10 /10

So much hate....why?

1* reviews by the true snow flakes of the world.....the trump-pets. Their reviews are fake news. Is the show great....nah. is it as horrible as the fake reviews are saying. No. I'd really give it a 6 or 7. But I like to get under people's skin. I'm tired of hearing people say it's an agenda if they don't agree with it. I don't agree with alot of Republican views but I don't consider it an agenda to get me to believe those views....it's simply.....just a view. Guess I just know how to be a bigger person......and I'm gay.....and can still be a big person when I get bashed by back woods people living in the past and not the present. So much hate in this world and majority of it comes from our country........the not so great america.....that can be great and has potential to be great if someone that knew what they were doing ran it and someone not about spreading hate and someone living by their own rules. No one is above the law....not even someone running the country.....rant over....peace out snowflakes y'all don't matter.. I bid ado to the people that have a sense of mind and have a brain y'all people matter have a great day.

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1 /10

Say thanks to the sponsors

Warning: Spoilers

This TV show is nothing about Science at all. It is about Bill Nye tells us what is right and wrong, what we should believe and think - also called propaganda.

Few examples of Bill Nye's "science"

1. "I used to be skeptic about GMO, but I changed my mind". Case closed. 2. "If it is called alternative medicine it is because it isn't real medicine" Case closed. 3. Bill Nye asking a Monsanto director "Why does everyone hate Monsanto?" Director "I don't know, I guess our PR is really bad". Case closed.

There is no critique, no science or evidence up for discussion - just believe Bill Nye.

Bill Nye got a lot of money for this show, I guess from sponsors and organizations who wants to promote their agenda

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1 /10

Not Much Saving...

Now I'm sure we all watched Bill Nye the Science Guy in school, and we all loved it. It sure made learning science fun. It has created a lasting impression on kids alike. Hell, people still recite the theme song to this day.

When it was reported that Bill Nye was coming back for a Netflix show, I was neutral about it. I just thought that it would be along the same lines as the original '90s show.

But when the first season released and the show received immediate backlash, I decided to look into it.

From the little that I've seen of this show, it's nothing but pure crap. For starters, the theme song. It's stupid, but it's punching bag material, in that one can ironically listen to it because of how stupid it is.

A big problem I have with this show is that it caters to the PC crowd. More specifically, the ever-infamous gender episode. It has a god-awful song about vaginas, a cringey cartoon about ice cream with painfully obvious social commentary, and to top it all off, Bill Nye, the so-called 'Science Guy' preaches pseudoscience. Yep, he joined the bandwagon of people who believe there are more than two genders, and he tries to represent it as fact. What a shame. Shortly after this episode, people did some research on the guy and found out that he didn't even have a college degree in science. Wow. And to think, this guy was on major news networks.

Another pain in the butt from this show is that so-called "funny" bit where that Indian dude makes some rant about white people who have Asian culture items and don't know their meaning or something. First off, who the hell is this guy to talk? He's Indian and he's complaining about white people using Asian culture? Something about this just doesn't add up. Also, am I the only one who's getting tired of hearing those constant "white people are stupid" jokes?

Another kick in the balls moment on this show is Bill himself. He seems so shallow, often describing things as "very cool" and "really great". Or at least in what I've seen. And like an unprofessional, he explains his jokes. I think The Joker said it best, "If you have to explain a joke, then there is no joke!"

How in the hell did this mess get more than one season? I don't freaking know, but I'm just glad that it seems to have faded away from the spotlight now. Good, maybe soon, it'll be gone for good.

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3 /10

Cringing, SMH, Ridiculous

Is this show for kids, teens, adults? There are some pretty weird comic bits all of them just pathetic. It seems like Bill Nye is trying too hard to be cool and not imparting information. He needs to drastically tirm down the corny and stupid comic bits. Others have pointed out the propaganda and I guess it depends on whether you agree with the point of view.

I try to be respectful of the beliefs of others. I don't mind people challenging it but being unnecessarily ugly is not good. Example, he is talking about transpermia and makes a verbal and physical comment about Noah's ark. He essentially laughs at the idea of Christianity then proceeds to push out a theory that is no more provable than what the Christians believe. Anyhow, that bit is distracting and unnecessary.

The comedy is really bad and the constant audience laugh tracks is just fake and should be left with the 70s variety shows.

The sad thing is I think they do all of this stuff because we are either too stupid to pay attention to science or we need that to keep our attention. Neither is true- I think if you are watching the show they are probably genuinely curious and don't need the garbage.

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1 /10

For xer and otherkin foke

If you are a low intelligence person who thinks xer is a high intelligence person this is for you. If you like your pseudo facts served up just like old school religious indoctrination with a terrible attempt at humor then look no further!

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2 /10

Another facet of your youth, unearthed and exploited

All I wanted was to see my main man Bill Nye do experiments, talk about magnets and explain the science behind the developments he's missed in the last twenty years. There is exactly one episode that is genuinely just plain old science - it focuses on the Mars 2020 mission, the science behind planetary transpermia etc - and everything else is politically motivated, whether it's the episode about gender identity (which may be interesting to some but has 0 to do with science) or global warming.

It's a genuine shame. I feel really honestly bad when I watch it because as stupid as it sounds, Bill Nye and his show absolutely were my favourite science teachers through junior high and high school. And now we get some Hollywood garbage where he preaches the currently popular opinions on a bunch of things that no real scientist cares about.

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5 /10

Not terrible, not great

Some of the topics are interesting, but in general, the show is poorly produced. I don't understand why it got such low ratings. It's a bit oversimplified I guess.

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1 /10

Saves the world for what? And from what?

Warning: Spoilers

Science and politics don't mix. Bill manages to mix them as bad as congress. The topics just happen to be the ones that are en vogue with the DNC platform and require massive government control and taxation. This is simply a show of political propaganda for Marxist progressive causes wrapped up in a thin veneer of "science." It is vulgar (and I love vulgar humor), unfunny, unscientific, racist, and presumptuous. A few safe scientific theories and facts are thrown in to make it a "science" show (vaccinations) while the very next sketch throws out any and all scientific discussion when a political fad is to be promoted (talking vajayjays). Bill cries out "NOBODY WANTS IT ((nuclear power))!" Really Bill? Have you ever been to France where nearly all of their grid is ran by nuclear??? Old shows of Nye's point out that chromosomes define gender, BUT, now, all of a sudden, political doctrine of the day says you can be whatever you want. Is Bill a "gender denier?" HURRAY. Bill Nye finally brought the children a show that sings about how much fun, and healthy coprophilic sex orgies are. Great job Bill. Netflix should be ashamed for ever bringing this monstrosity of a show but this is their future. With Netflix's new political advisors hired on it's only going to get worse.

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3 /10

A show for adult shaped children.

Warning: Spoilers

I'll start off by saying that I agree with most of the things that Bill Nye is saying. I have no problems with sexual orientation, I'm politically progressive, I'm open-minded and I believe we need to make changes to our way of living.

Now on to the review of this show. It starts in the first episode by saying that this is not a show for children. It is a show for adults. And while that sounds great they then proceed to treat us like either kids or idiots. Ooohs and aaahs while he puts on gloves and glasses. He proceeds to produce experiments that would make a 10 year old blush with embarrassment. His co-presenters are incoherent or there for street cred. An some of the music etc is just plain bad.

I'm all for a tell it like it is science show but don't dumb it down so much that it loses it credibility. If you want a good adult series watch David Suzuki's The Nature of Things or anything by Brian Cox, Marcus du Sautoy or Jim Al-Khalili. Scientists who treat people as adults. On the other hand maybe a dumbed down science show is a necessity.

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6 /10

Attempts to educate FACT versus FICTION. Silly. Cringy. But VERY informative!!

This show is getting bad ratings for the WRONG reasons, generally. It's a show about FACT versus FICTION. Does A cause B? Let's see. You want to know why this show is necessary? Because people are too uninformed. They are either gullible, or stubborn, or think they know more than (insert name). Maybe they don't "trust" science. Maybe that's because they don't "understand" science. This show attempts to fix that problem... and hence... save the world. Look at Polio... do you really want that to spread because you were too lazy/ignorant/stubborn/suspicious, to get a vaccine??

You don't have to believe in vaccines... doesn't change the FACT that they work... and the FACT that they don't cause autism. If you fail to vaccinate, you put everyone else at risk.

You can believe in "sound therapy", but that does NOT mean that some imbecile screaming at your belly is going to offer any kind of medical benefit.

You can believe in "alternative medicine", but that does NOT mean it works! None of it does. That's why it's called alternative. It's hocus pocus dreamland foolishness and nothing more than a way for people to profit off of people who are too uninformed to know they're being ripped off.

This show explains things to adults like they're children. That's a valid criticism. I cringe a lot watching it, but I'm rating it an 8/10 because it does a good job demonstrating FACT versus FICTION. The humor is dreadful (sorry Bill), but the information is incredibly valuable.

Wanting to convey THE TRUTH, doesn't make this "political", or "propaganda". Okay, so he only has a degree in Mechanical Engineering, so he's not worthy of being a scientist, right? WRONG. Want a definition of what that is?

"Mechanical engineering is the discipline that applies engineering, physics, and materials science principles to design, analyze, manufacture, and maintain mechanical systems. It is one of the oldest and broadest of the engineering disciplines." - Wikipedia.

With that in mind, I hear people complain that he isn't a scientist, so what right does he have to tell us anything... this coming from people who often have no post secondary education, and whose education often times is, with all due respect, limited to flipping burgers and pouring coffee (I've been one of those people too, in years past). And for those who do have a degree, say in English (like myself), or Political Science, or History, or any number of others... what makes YOU more qualified to judge HIM?

The show is over the top ridiculous. I cringe regularly. BUT, I enjoy the information it provides. At least he is TRYING to make the world a better place, by spreading truth. What are you doing with your life, reader? What are YOU contributing to bettering the world? Before you judge, please think more critically before making such harsh accusations and assumptions.

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1 /10

Absolutely Laughable

This is so incredibly bad that its hard to put into words. It's almost as if its an old SNL skit (back when SNL was funny).

But sadly they are trying to pass it off with a straight face. Hopefully Netflix will see what a failure this is and put an end to ridiculous garbage like this.

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3 /10

No balance

He is dissing everything that he doesn't believe. That is not mature nor funny..really I can't stand this show so after few episodes I'm done. He is deff not saving world, okay maybe US but not world..

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8 /10

The science is good and supports the hype, but ...

Other reviewers stress that this show is full of hype. That is true, but this is not politics. It is a response from scientists to the widespread lies hyped by others for profit. These lies are presented in entertaining ways that convince US consumers and voters. Scientists have so far failed to convince the public that the scientific method and journalistic integrity are important - one should not believe somebody because of bombast or other personality traits.

The first episode of the show (about climate change) is scientifically spot on. The next few episodes are not as well done. Specifically, the issues are not well defined or not as well researched.

Each show ends with a group discussion. The producers appear to be having trouble finding scientific experts who can explain the facts to the public. Many episodes leave out discussion of important related issues.

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1 /10

Total horse sh**

This guy is a joke. Trying to be cool and ending up telling half truths and propaganda. Complete nonsense. Should be removed from viewing.

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1 /10

Liberal bias to the extreme

Enough said. I used to love Bill Nye as a kid. But here's just one example: They went to Venice to illustrate climate change and how the place is flooding. Not once did they mention that Venice is sinking into the water. They want you to think that the sea level is rising and nothing to do with the land mass sinking.

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8 /10

Really a good show...

This is not a great, but it is a good show. Everyone is comparing it to Bill Nye the Science Guy... he was being a teacher then, it was aimed at children, this is not... it's called "... Saves the World" precisely for the reason that it's not about the mechanics of science, it's about counteracting the wave of anti-science, anti-intelligence, that has pervaded our society. It's exactly what he needs to be doing right now. Demonstrating that science is not only relevant but essential to who we are and how or if we progress. And people who recognize the backlash against reason and thought should be getting behind him, or we devolve into the pending idiocracy that much sooner. Be part of the solution, not part of the stupidity.

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2 /10

The old Bill Nye is gone

I was cautiously optimistic about this new show when I heard about it. I teach Science and have frequently used Bill Nye The Science Guy videos. Nye didn't have to tell you he loved science because he had all those quirky fun demonstrations, even the way the show was structured, said this guy lives science and sees it everywhere. In the last 10 years or so, Bill Nye has kept himself in the public eye by backing up the Progressive view. I was hoping this part of him wouldn't be prominent in this new show. Unfortunately, that's what we've got. Even the title, "Bill Nye Saves the World", there is a smug assurance that he's right. Based on watching the show, he really seems to believe that. His voice is what's missing in policy debates, he seems to think. Yeah, he brings in opposing views, but only to refute them. The show seems to believe that if Nye tries to be hip, his smugness will be forgiven. Science and technology are moving fast, we could use someone to explain the science behind so many issues in an engaging way. This show isn't that.

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10 /10

Excellent educational viewing

Highly recommended viewing for those who like to use their critical thinking skills and learn. This will answer questions about life the universe and everything! Excellent educational viewing and probably essential for young minds, he's the science teacher we all should have had. Well done Netflix for funding this.

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1 /10

Complete filth

Warning: Spoilers


I watched 2 episodes & I think I saw about 3 minutes of actual science. The first episode I watched was supposed to be debunking alternative medicine. While I'm aware of placebos, homeopathy, etc, there was barely anything said other than the fact that "this isn't real medicine". Obviously this is true, but I was expecting more detail. The acid test is the only thing worthwhile that I saw. The bit with the Indian guy talking about white people was off topic. I get what he was trying to say, but that wasn't the point of the episode. The "experts" he had on a segment were talking over each other & didn't really agree on any bottom line. Maybe they should have rehearsed answers first.

I was most disappointed about the episode talking about sex on a spectrum. No science whatsoever. I don't deny that sexual & gender attraction/identity/etc does have a lot of factors when it comes to individuals. Is there a science behind all this that can be tested & proved? Probably not. Is it a social construct that changes throughout generations, cultures, & geography (Native American "two spirits" for example)? Possibly so. If that is the case, don't present this stuff as some scientific fact.

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Yo Boy Bill Nye if Making Babies Were Like

Source: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6021260/reviews

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